Insufficient Water Supply in The Midst of Pandemic

Water is highly important for public health as it helps control diseases by maintaining sanitation and proper hygiene. As the world continues to fight against COVID-19, it is clear that people with low access to water experience more difficulty in preventing the spread of the disease. 40% of the global population; mostly living in secluded areas, slums, and informal settlements, have an insufficient water supply and lack access to handwashing facilities in their homes. In addition, a billion of people who have piped water in their homes experience regular water shutoffs making frequent handwashing difficult or impossible.

To control the spread of COVID-19, governments double their efforts to provide water access and handwashing facilities to communities with an insufficient water supply. They build handwashing stations especially to high-density public places such as bus-stops, markets, restaurants, and taxi queues. They also encourage establishments like apartment blocks, groceries, and banks to place water and soap or provide hand sanitizers in their entrances.

International organizations like WHO (World Health Organization), UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund), UN-Water (United Nations Water), and Red Cross are also giving assistance especially to urban poor living in slums where people are overcrowded which can speed up the spread of COVID-19. Aside from building handwashing facilities, these international organizations offer technical advice and trainings on how to manage handwashing facilities and disseminate information about COVID-19 especially on how to prevent the spread of the disease.

Resolving the problem of insufficient water supply is one of the most effective solutions to stopping the increasing number of COVID-19 victims and create resilient communities. However, the world needs immediate solutions as the virus spreads rapidly. The interventions by governments and international organizations might be temporary solutions to inadequate water supply but they are needed and helpful as COVID-19 is not only causing millions of deaths but affecting the economy.

Long-term solutions to water supply problems need long term investments. Governments need capital investments for water treatment which might cause billions of dollars per year as natural water from rivers and springs might contain chemicals from agricultural, industrial, and urban wastewater. Governments also have to effectively manage the water resources to prevent a clean water scarcity while allocating enough water for the needs of communities.

Resolving water problems especially for low-income countries can be very difficult but is essential to fight diseases like COVID-19 as well as other common diseases like diarrhea and cholera which also killed millions of people. Access to clean water is every person’s right. It not only protects us from diseases but promotes sanitation and personal hygiene which is important to being healthy and increase our self-esteem.

Herbal Supplements To Treat And Cure Pimples That Are Safe To Use

At present, you can find a stunning array of products in market boasting cure from acne and pimples. Selecting the right product plays a vital role in getting satisfactory result. We are going to see here some of the best herbal supplements to treat and cure pimples. Do you like to drink lemon juice? As per studies, lemon juice is found to be very useful to treat acne and pimples. You can directly apply lemon juice on acne affected area.

Lemon juice is enriched with vitamin C and phytonutrients called flavonoids. Strong antibiotic and antioxidant properties in lemon are found to be very useful to treat acne related problems in body. Lemon juice can fight against free radical mechanism in body. It repairs the damaged cells and reduces the formation of inflammation on skin surface.

Garlic is another natural remedy for treating pimple formation. It is a popular antibiotic. You can use garlic both internally and externally. Presence of antibiotic property is a main feature of garlic extract. It fights against bacterial infection and keeps your skin devoid of acne and pimples.

Eliminating toxins from blood is another feature of garlic. Regular use of garlic extract can provide you blemish free and glowing skin. To obtain the best result, try to apply a paste of curd and garlic extract on skin surface. Let this paste remain on skin surface for at least thirty minutes before bath.

Similar to garlic, another natural remedy for treating acne related trouble is tomato pulp. You can directly apply tomato pulp to the acne affected region. Tomato pulp, rich in antioxidants reduces inflammation and damage of the skin naturally. Cinnamon is a common spice used in Asian food recipes. Studies say that cinnamon powder with honey can reduce the risk of pimples and acne.

Cinnamon is found to be enriched with anti-microbial property which in turn reduces the spreading of pimples on skin surface. If you are in search of a natural remedy for treating pimples, feel free to make use of a combination of honey and cinnamon powder on skin surface. Fenugreek powder is another natural remedy for treating acne related problems. It removes blackheads and keeps skin healthy and glowing all the day long.

Similar to fenugreek, another natural remedy for treating acne is turmeric. Turmeric is enriched with amazing antibiotic and antioxidant property. It can make your skin appear healthy and glowing. For the best result, apply a paste of turmeric and lime juice directly on skin surface. Certain herbal products are found to be very useful to treat and pimple formation. Golden Glow capsule is one among the herbal remedies that can provide pimple free skin.

Golden Glow is composed with herbal ingredients that can fight with microbial infections. Lack of side effect is a highlighting feature of this herbal cure. It assures health benefits devoid of side effects. How long we need to use Golden Glow? This is a common query heard from new users. To achieve maximum health benefits, it is generally advised to make use of this herbal cure consistently for three or four months.

Democratization of Finance and Investment

The democratization of finance is the process of removing control of the finance industry away from financial institutions and distributing power among the public. Democratization can come at various levels -giving access to what was previously only offered to institutional investors, to high-net-worth investors, and making services and solutions only offered to high-net-worth investors, to the mass affluent.

Largely driven by the advancement of technology, the democratization of investments also emerged from tighter regulations in investor protection. Higher transparency in products and fees drove many banks to switch from pure product-focused recommendations to standardized advice based on diverse product packages. Additionally, many banks had no choice but to widen the customer target group and offer, staying on the hunt for new revenue streams from recurrent advisory fees instead of commissions.

The advancement of technology contributed to the proliferation of wealth management services and the rise of non-financial players that offer low-cost, automated investments mimicking traditional portfolio management in the form of proprietary algorithms managing customer portfolios. We are already seeing big tech companies, such as Google, Apple and Facebook, looking to break into the financial services industry. While many expected Rob advisor platform endangers high-end wealth management, taking over its market share, the platforms ultimately cater to investors with lower assets. This brought a new kind of customer segment to the wealth management digital marketplace. Privileges that used to be reserved exclusively for HNWIs are becoming available for regular investors and retail banking customers.

Financial institutions have played catch-up to challenger banks and fintech companies for a few years now. Digital investment platforms have centred mostly on the needs of retail investors, while HNW and UHNW clients continued to rely on personal, relationship-based service. However, wealth managers are now realizing that this model is flawed, in that HNW clients expect a digital experience and services as part of their overall manager relationship. The challenge is to provide a low-cost, digital experience that matches the level of their personal service.

Effectively serving the world’s wealthy is going to get far more complicated in the years ahead. As the demographics of wealth shift, so will the needs and expectations of wealth clients. According to BCG, over the past 20 years, personal financial wealth globally has nearly tripled, rising from $80 trillion in 1999 to $226 trillion at the end of 2019. The group predicts that HNW and UHNW will remain the fastest-growing segments in North America and that the affluent band will be the fastest-growing segment in Asia, Western Europe, and the Middle East. The Middle East and Latin America are also expected to see their share of cross-border wealth grow slightly faster than the global average over the next five years.

With the large and growing affluent and HNW segments in mind, retail banks and asset managers need to use technology and hybrid models to aggressively undercut traditional wealth management providers and offer simple, but appealing, investment management technology across their existing client base. These offerings will be especially attractive to clients in markets with few established wealth management providers. Asset managers will leverage their superior investment capabilities to win new clients through direct channels.

As digitization lowers barriers to entry to wealth management as a business, the competition will intensify and offerings that once provided differentiation will face commoditization. In the past, offering this level of customization would have been cost-prohibitive. But advances in technology will allow wealth management providers to create highly tailored portfolios at a fraction of the current time and cost. The historical distinction between advisory and discretionary products will fade, as innovative mandates combine elements from both.